To Croquis or not Croquis


First use: 1805

Origin: French, from croquer to sketch, rough out, literally, to crunch

As sewists we face an ongoing challenge of perfecting the fitting of the garments we sew.  When I was young, a 20 something, I used to fit a perfect Butterick size 14, including the pant length. Mind you, a younger me did not make challenging clothes; simple pants, tops, dresses. I even made a corduroy coat and a quilted mandarin jacket. Over the years, things have changed and I am no longer a perfect anything!!

I am thankful that ingenious people have created many different fitting aids.

At a previous Sewing Connection Auckland meeting we made custom dress forms using paper packing tape, which have worked well for many of us.

In the book The Colette Sewing Handbook, there is a discussion of how to create a personal croquis.  Her technique is to take a photo of yourself in close fitting clothes against a light coloured plain background and then trace your outline. The low-tech way of doing this is to print the photo on a plain piece of paper, trace around the outline and use that to understand your proportions and to trial garments. The high-tech way is to use a program such as photoshop or the free Gimp to do the tracing. Link  Here is an example of how to use the croquis Link

Palmer Pletsch discuss body maps in their book Fit for Real People.  This is a different approach and result used for a similar purpose.  The body map is a full size, low tech version. You just need paper, pencil, meter stick and a buddy to help. Wearing close fitting clothes such as leggings or yoga pants and a t-shirt, trace the body onto paper fixed to a wall, marking relevant land marks eg shoulder points, waist, top of head. The resulting body map is used to understand your proportions and trial pattern pieces before cutting your fabric.

In our June meeting we will be making body maps for each other and learning to use them to help us on our journey to making well fitting clothes.

Extend your sewing at our meeting on Saturday 14 May

Me-Made-May 2016

What are you making this May?

Perhaps something you’ve been wanting to start (or finish) for a while or as part of an online sewing community challenge? Whatever it might be, there’s no better time to sew for yourself or others when the long summer days are ending.

The changeability of weather through Autumn (or Fall) means considering layering our clothing for greater comfort because of variable temperatures.  It also makes us think of using appropriate textiles in our sewing such as merino knits – which we are so lucky to have such great variety of in New Zealand.

The famous NZ merino, Shrek's fleece reproduced from the Otago Daily Times 05/2014

The famous NZ merino, Shrek’s fleece reproduced from the Otago Daily Times 05/2014

Fine merino is so versatile because it is a natural fabric, has great recovery, can be found in a range of differing weights for base layer, mid layer and outer layer uses, and is a joy to sew. We can play with our overlockers or use adapted construction techniques and there are so many choices with modern patterns which utilise these fabrics.

Some of us will have got through their item for the First Challenge which is to sew some dungarees, overalls, onesies or a jumpsuit, either for themselves or someone else.  I’m picking that the competition will be fierce, as the standard of these challenges is always very high.

If you’re halfway through a project or want some inspiration to start one then come along to our sewing meeting on this Saturday, 14 May.  For regular attendees, note this month is the extended session specifically for sewing time and which will run from from 12pm to 5pm.

Another activity we will have going is the making of a paper mannequin for those that wish to participate.

image c/- BurdaStyle

image c/- BurdaStyle

The venue is in the big hall at the Bayview Community Centre, 72 Bayview Rd, Bayview,  North Shore of Auckland. A map is found here

Please bring:

  • Your sewing/sewing machine, extension cords etc.
  • Any items that you’ve made to “Show and Tell” to others.
  • Supplies for the paper mannequin.
  • Your own lunch/snacks. Teas and coffees will be supplied.

If you’re not already a member and would like to visit, please do.  If you like what you see then please talk to Diane about signing up on the day.

We look forward to seeing you, and bring along a sewing friend if you think they’d like to connect up with like-minded people in Auckland.


Extended sewing meeting is Saturday 12 March

What are you making this March?

Image courtesy of

If you’re halfway through a project or want some inspiration to start one then come along to our next sewing meeting on this Saturday, 12 March.  For regular attendees, note this month is the extended session specifically for sewing time and which will run from from 12pm to 5pm.

The venue is in the big hall at the Bayview Community Centre, 72 Bayview Rd, Bayview,  North Shore of Auckland. A map is found here

Please bring:

  • Your sewing/sewing machine, extension cords etc.
  • Any items that you’ve made to “Show and Tell” to others.
  • If you are part of the Auckland Quilters Guild fashion parade, please bring your garments that you will wear and some notes about them.
  • Lunch/snacks. Teas and coffees will be supplied.

Christine will give us a short presentation on The Impact of Colour.   Christine is a sewing group member and runs a successful business called Personal Style, specialising in style, colour and wardrobe design.

If you’re not already a member and would like to visit, please do.  If you like what you see then please talk to Diane about signing up on the day.

We look forward to seeing you, and bring along a sewing friend if you think they’d like to connect up with like-minded people in Auckland.


Our first meeting is tomorrow – Saturday 13 February

Yes, just one more sleep.
For regular attendees, note the new afternoon time slot of noon until 2.30pm and, of course, the new venue.  
We will now meet in the big hall at the Bayview Community Centre, 72 Bayview Rd, Bayview,  North Shore of Auckland. A map is found here

Bayview community centre building-480x340


At this venue we will all need to set up and pack away the tables and chairs. So please ensure that you do your bit.

Teas and coffees will be supplied and we will set up a roster for the year so everyone can help out in this small task.

The programme:

  • Welcome and some ‘housekeeping’ details.
  • Show and tell. Bring along your summertime sewing creations to show off.
  • Jo Sharp will show us the lovely lingerie she has made and tell us about special techniques, tips and the fabric she uses.
  • Bring your sewing too, because that’s what we all love to do.

If you’re not already a member and would like to visit, please do.  If you like what you see then please talk to Diane, Sheila, Jason or Beth about signing up on the day.

We look forward to seeing you, and bring along a sewing friend if you think they’d like to connect up with like-minded people in Auckland.

We all look forward to meeting up on Saturday.

Here’s our new venue for our first 2016 meeting – Saturday 13 February

As many of you will know, last year was a time of big changes with our local sewing group, for the better, we hope.  It was clear by the end of year get-together that we have sadly outgrown our sewing space at Highbury House.  So, it a good time to take stock and re-evaluate our needs and so it was decided to reinvent ourselves with a new Year and a new venue.  Yes!
We will now meet at The Bayview Community Centre, 72 Bayview Rd, Bayview, Auckland 0629.  It is still on the North Shore of Auckland. A map is found here

Bayview community centre building-480x340

and we will be in the hall – lots and lots of space and good lighting…


Just add tables, chairs, sewing machines, fabric and happy sewists to make a “Sewing Connection”.

See you all on Saturday 13th February at noon until 2.30pm.

The programme:

  • Welcome to our new venue – some ‘housekeeping’ details.
  • Show and tell. Bring along your summertime sewing creations to show off.
  • Jo Sharp will show us the lovely lingerie she has made and tell us about special techniques, tips and the fabric she uses.
  • Bring your sewing too, because that’s what we all love to do.

We look forward to seeing you, and bring along a sewing friend if you think they’d like to connect up with like-minded people in Auckland.

Welcome to 2016

Hello to all our sewing friends in Auckland and wherever you may happen to be.  Happy New Year!

Over the annual summer NZ-is-closed-down period, I’ve been hibernating away under a “mountain” of clutter (at home) and UFOs, WIPs and fabric (at the studio).  Feeling slightly like Leo from the Revenant (although without the bears and ‘actual’ dying, obviously) as the journey in my sewing continues on and on and on and…..


“Now where did I leave my scissors?”

So it’s a big ol’ sewing year ahead for me – how about you all?  I’m about to kick-start the action for the group pretty soon – possibly after breakfast.  Anyone wish to join me?

Feel free to send me any content you want posted – after all, loading up the posts is the easy part, it’s the ideas that need the work…. that said, we’ve got a bunch of ideas lined up to share and would love to hear what everyone’s been doing sewing and crafty-wise over the hols.

Diane Parton, Sheila and I have been finalising the new 2016 programme with topics, trips, challenges and workshops in store for you lucky people, so Watch This Space (oh and the Facebook space too!).  There’s plenty to inspire and share.

Coming soon will be the full details about the New Venue at the Bayview Community Centre, 72 Bayview Road, Bayview on the North Shore as well as important dates etc.  The first meeting of the year will be Saturday 13th February at midday.

If you want to become a member of SCA or just renew your membership for 2016, then head over to the Contacts page and get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.

Cheers Beth

What will you be sewing for Christmas? Visit our next meeting

Haute Couture Christmas Tree image uploaded from

Our next and last meeting for the year is on Saturday  5th  December 9.30am – 12.00pm at Highbury Community Centre, 110 Hinemoa St. Birkenhead.


  • Welcome to visitors
  • Show and tell – wear or bring something you have made
  • Bring some cash for a small ‘suitcase sale’ of fabric pieces. (Proceeds to go towards a future website for SCA)
USA 2012 307

Disclaimer: This image may not necessarily represent contents of “actual” suitcase!

  • Programme for 2016 – what workshops or trips would you like? Suggestions of themes for 3 sewing challenges.
  • Social time and end-of year morning coffee/tea. Please bring a small plate of tasty morsels.tea-clipart-il_340x270.542071813_ssnm

Hope you can make it.